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What's the best way to learn about Art?

I want to learn about different movements, styles, artists, etc purely for personal interest.
Can anyone reccomend the best books, websites and guides?
Ideally first I'd like to learn the different movements/styles and then why each one was different, new and popular.


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5 months ago
I've been to Barcelona - that trip is actually what inspired me to learn more. No more travel suggestions please.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You may buy books on Michaelangelo, Pablo Picasso , Monet, Manet, Vincent Van Gough, Degas, Marc Chagall, Cezanne, Utrillo, and Toulouse-Lautrec and Rodin. Or you may visit your local library.
Visit local museums or "Google" museums and see all of the beautiful artwork. You may also "Google" individual artists.
Some different styles are:Rennaisance, Boroque, Modern, Post-Modern, Cubism(Picasso) and Impressionist. Get ready to fall in love! Ancient art is painted in caves! Also see Egyptian and Greek.