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Ever do a self-check for six months or a year with this?

Ever use any of Ben Franklin's self-checking list of 13 virtues?
Ben tried to lead his life, checking himself before others had to with a list of 13 virtues. He placed each one of the virtues on a separate page in a small book that he kept with him. He would evaluate his daily performance with regard to each of them. He would also select one of the virtues to focus on for full week. In a letter to his son William, he gave the list of 13 virtues, recommending that William follow them too. Anyone ever try this for 6 months or longer?

Additional Details

5 months ago
found several but this was sent to me

5 months ago
Doctor Why wrote: I have done something similar. I've spent a long time considering my own values and axioms, and made a list of five postulates for living as well as five commands based on those postulates. I posted the list where I can see and be reminded of it daily, and often review them in my own mind. So perhaps what I do is not so different from Mr Franklin after all, even if we don't agree in the particulars.

5 months ago
see also

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

No, but it sounds like a pretty good idea. Thanks for the tip.