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What is a symbolic poem???

Please can you help me with this????? I'm stuck on my literature assignment of writhing poems. Thanks

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Hi there!
A symbolic poem is really an extended metaphor. You are using one thing to stand for, or to talk about, another. For example, you might have a poem that on the surface is about a river, but the underlying message is about the passage of time and our journey through life.

Is your assignment to write one of these poems? If so, I would suggest making a chart in your notebook. Across the top list different emotions. Below each emotion write an object you could associate with this emotion. Keep your chart and add to it.

After you find one that strikes a chord, have a brainstorming session where you make an imagery chart. Write the five senses across the page and then list under each section the senses associated with your final topic. Depending on the topic, you could have some columns blank. (Right now in NY, I'd write one about snow, but it would really be a poem about death.)

Here's a lesson plan I found online that uses symbolic poetry:
(Read the section called procedures.)

Hope this helps! Good luck with your assignment!
Marjorie, A 7th grade English Teacher