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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > What do you think of this poem? What can I add or change to fix it?


What do you think of this poem? What can I add or change to fix it?

I Come From ...
I come from one of the big cities in New Jersey to a small town called Union,
A family that expressed all their feelings to one another to a family that barely talks anymore,
I come to appear really comfortable with my preppy style, when I??m really only comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans,
I come from a little girl who could care less about anything, to a woman who is so concerned about her future that she loses sleep over,
I come from thinking true love doesn??t really exist, to thinking it??s the only thing in life one really looks forward to,
I come from believing in a magical fairy tale ending, to believing I control my own fairy tale ending ,
I come from not being able to wait till I grow up, to wishing I was still a little child,
I come from telling my parents everything about me, to telling them absolutely nothing ,
I come from a time where their were no wars to a time where their are only wars,
I come from a time where I got everything I wanted without doing anything, to a time where I have to work for what I want,
I come from the Real World

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

its really good and i think most of the gals could relate to your poem....try to polish your poem a bit otherwise its nice because it has a harsh hidden truth inside it...which is really commendable....keep it up..!!