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How can I progress as a poet?

For many years I have been writing poetry, stories, philosophies, reflections, lyrics...the list goes on.

I'm not the type to stand up and read my work out. I'm shy, but also think I'm more comfortable reading my work in quiet solitude rather than having it recited to them.

I have boxes full of my poetic musings (typed, scrawled on napkins, written on watermarked paper with my best calligraphy pen- can I do anything with them that might advance me as an artist and a person? I'm not saying my work is neccessarily any good in the eyes of the majority, it might be quite the opposite- but I'd like to give it a go!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Research publishers to find one that publishes poetry and then find out how to send your manuscript to them. You will need to send by post & some will only consider you if they are the only publisher you have sent your work to. Expect to wait several months before they reply to you. It is probably going to take a while but stick with it. Good luck.