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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Science most of smiliarwith our Indian history,ancient storiesMYTHOLOGICAL CLASS


Science most of smiliarwith our Indian history,ancient storiesMYTHOLOGICAL CLASSICAL. WHY,WHAT IS THE SECRET?

I am not that much familiar with mythological. Then also when I hear some of the stories, mythical time pointed even in ancient stories some logic is meaning full in today??s science.

1. Missile : This concept by arrow / bow with aimed the exact location.

2. The Kanthari put embryo in 101 pot, after in our century its
come in science testube child

3. The political way in ancient story is there in south Kerala the king of Mahabali ruling time all people like one compare socialism.

if go to study can find out much more , Like ancient stories showing that Ravan go with pushpak plane to and taken Sita and one bird prevent the attempt like much of them.

Can we say this accidental , or any logics is there on behind.... ????? come to debate lolllll ........interesting

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

This kind fairy of tales and fertile imagination to correlate them with any scientific inventon is part of evevry civilisation. Some areas might have been visited by some superior alien race and no one can deny that.