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Slurs, snide remarks and outright untruths...are you tired of them?

Why is it that a normal, everyday joe feels that this is the right place to "air" their darker sides? Are you as tired of all the snide, awful things you find in questions? Or, am I just being an oversensitive sop?

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5 months ago
Bravo Tim!!

5 months ago
answer came up with a blank where your name should be...but..I want to thank you...all honest opinions are valid :) have a good day!

5 months ago
LOL...Just so...always a delight to find a bit of humor :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Little of both, to be honest. Yes it gets annoying, but that's the nature of this kind of "open" environment. You wouldn't see this type of behavior in an academic or work situation. Oh wait... you kinda do, at least in my experience. I say ignore the preachy and/or moody, have fun and if the snarkiness is too extreme, report 'em and move on to a more pleasant question. Cheers!