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What do you think about this?


I??ve always known that in my room there was a door and a window. I??ve always had a choice. It has always been my choice to exit by the door. Had it been so only to put a check mark to yet another convention? This world is full of conventions and if you break some rules you risk getting kicked out of it. If this is what you believe you want, think more than twice. Because once kicked out, there??s no way back. I look out the window and I see a garden. It is a neighbour??s back yard. I can see it clearly from the third floor. Had it been higher, things would had probably been different. In my dreams at night, I??ve gone out by the window several times, ??diving?? into the garden in the summer bright sun. The fall had always been too short. And I??ve survived each and every time, finding myself in my bed. Perhaps that has also been my choice, because during the fall I tried to fly every time, but I could not keep myself in the air. I went straight to what would have undoubtedly been a clash with the garden??s ground, and as I became aware of it, I regretted my hasty act. Apparently I??ve always had the opportunity to change my mind and therefore my own fate. Also, I??ve always known that there were knives in the kitchen. Maybe I was not brave enough. But more certainly I chose to ignore knives in the kitchen and open windows as ways of exit. Because the exit would have meant another entrance, into another world about which I know practically nothing. Nobody actually came back from there to give a detailed account of it, to describe it. We can only imagine how it??s like, but that does not make it so. ??Did ever the thought of committing suicide occur to you??? was a question in the stupid questionnaire the psychiatrist gave me to complete. Had I answered ??yes,?? I would have been put in the category of mentally sick. I was glad I checked the ??no?? answer, as I was told that this thought of suicide indicates an unbalance, an actual problem, a lack of normalcy in man. I have actually thought about it, but you can never admit this to these people without having them judge you as ??sick.?? Yes, I have thought about it, but I have made the choice to live. It??s all about the reality in your mind. Those dreams have presented me a virtual situation and I was given a second chance every time I regretted my action. In some dreams I stepped on the window sill and opened my arms and I could actually fly! I never fell. I thought in this dream, ??I hope nobody will find out what I??m doing now. Because if they did, they??d think I want to kill myself and that is not true.?? I flew over gardens and forests and buildings. It was summer. It was sunny and bright. People in this dream would say that a human flying is impossible, that I??ll just fall and break my neck trying to do it. But with the thought of suicide completely out of mind, I could fly effortlessly. Psychological reality is what matters. Choice takes place in your own mind, maybe in some sort of discussion with yourself. Then I found myself in the swimming pool. After jumping into the deep water. And I thought, it??s just like jumping off a tall building, only you don??t regret it. You land comfortably and pleasantly in a soft mass which pushes you towards the surface. During these moments I feel free. I move so naturally in the water, I??m not afraid of it. While swimming, I look into the waters down me and it??s a little like flying... For the sake of moments like these life deserves to be lived. On my way home I pass through the park. It??s a bright summer day and I walk feeling so happy in the heat. I??m so glad I??m still here, I think. All the world seems to be smiling... And yes, I want to return to the swimming pool next morning!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

May I recommend that you get a copy of Windows of the Soul, or The Dream Dictionary? These books help you make sense out of the symbols in your dreams. All dreams are filled with symbols that are not to be taken literally, only figuratively. Dreams of flying are the expression of our inner desires to rise above the problems and the frustrations of daily life. Well tended, fruitful gardens represent your creativity and combined with flying indicate you're creative self is beginning to "take flight" to emerge. The house represents your self. You indicate that in your dream you are stuck in one room and that means you are not developing that way you should because there are rooms you haven't explored yet. The doors are fearful for you in that you may fear conventional ways of looking at and doing things. Go through the doors anyway so that you can overcome your fears. It doesn't mean you have to surrender your creative urges.
Diving through the window is symbolic for getting out of your small world (in the room) and taking a chance in a bigger world. The freedom you feel in the garden means you are entering a growth phase in developing your personality. Psychologists call this "individuation" or "hatching." These terms describe aspects of your personality that were previously undeveloped are now coming online. The swimming pool is like swimming in creativity. In the movie "Lady in the Water" you can see how creativity comes up from underneath the swimming pool. This pictures your unconscious mind and how ideas begin below the surface, bubble up through the subconscious, and eventually emerge into the conscious mind. When the bubble of creativity is released you then feel elevated in spirit and mind, refreshed, happy. You are going through an "individuation" phase and becoming more and more who you were ment to be. Read the books I mentioned and then try "Dreams, Memories, Reflections" by Carl Gustov Jung (
Enjoy being you and don't shortcut the process. You WILL get there.