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POEM CHALLENGE who is the Master of poems?

You must write a FREE VERSE poem about RACISM

At least 4 lines, five stars to the winner

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Does it Matter?

Who really cares
If you've got blonde hair
Or black or brown or red.
Some people think
If your skin's brown instead of pink
You might as well be dead.
Just because we were born
In different countries and places
In different families and races
Some people don't think we amount to much.
Is that true?
Are you really white?
Your skin is not so different
From so-called "black" skin.
Would you like me any less
If I had slanted eyes and black hair,
if I spoke a different language?
Some people think so.
And would your friends care any less about you
If you were Jewish?
Or Catholic?
Or whatever?
In this life, those things are not important.
Black is not so different from white.