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Is there an art form (and what is it called) for wrapping someone in a large piece of cloth -- for clothing?

I have been unable to find good search criteria for this question. Imagine, if you will, two people holding a large (perhaps LONG would be a better word) piece of cloth/fabric. Between them is another person. The two holding the fabric, through special movements, etc., wrap it around the person in the middle to make it into their attire. This comes from an idea for a theatre piece. A person would be dressed in all black, and then "wrapped", perhaps onstage, in a piece of colored cloth that would become their character's costume. Any ideas on named art forms or examples of this would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I'm not aware of a specific name, but I do know of a couple of contemporary artists whose style known for wrapping, everything from the body to everyday objects, famous buildings to coastlines: