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Really sad poems?

i'm looking for a really sad heartbreak poem that'll like make you cry!

kaythanks xox

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

These few poems might not be the type "heartbreak" poems for which you look, but I cannot resist the opportunity to share with others the poems of Anna Akhmatova (Stanley Kunitz/Max Hayward translations)

I Wrung My Hands . . .
I wrung my hands under my dark veil . . .
"Why are you pale, what makes you reckless?"
--Because I have made my loved one drunk
with an astringent sadness.

I'll never forget. He went out, reeling;
his mouth was twisted, desolate . . .
I ran downstairs, not touching the banisters,
and followed him as far as the gate.

And shouted, choking: "I meant it all
in fun. Don't leave me, or I'll die of pain."
He smiled at me--oh so calmly, terribly--
and said: "Why don't you get out of the rain?"

All Has Been Taken Away...
All has been taken away : strength and love.
My body, cast into an unloved city,
is not glad of the sun. I feel my blood
has gone quite cold in me.

I'm baffled by the Muse's state of mind :
she looks at me and doesn't say a word,
and lays her head, in its dark wreath,
exhausted, on my breast.

And only conscience, more terribly each day
rages, demanding vast tribute.
For answer I hide my face in my hands . . .
but I have run out of tears and exucses.

The Last Toast
I drink to our ruined house,
to the dolor of my life,
to our loneliness together;
and to you I raise my glass,
to lying lips that have betrayed us,
to dead-cold, pitiless eyes,
and to the hard realities :
that the world is brutal and coarse,
that God in fact has not saved us.