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What are the differences between manufacturing and service organisations?

please give me some differences along with some examples too

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Manufacturing produces a physical, tangible product. A pot, a car, a shirt, a boat... even a farmer "manufactures" (grows) things.

Service may assist in delivering the tangibles, but service itself is an intangible. A waitress serves food, but did not grow or prepare it. A nurse delivers care and medicine, but what a nurse does best is the intangible quality of attention and care.

Think about the terms "Financial Services", "Medical Services", "Social Services".

The hard part is to determine values for either the tangibles or intangibles. What are they worth and how did we arrive at the value? And in todays complex economy, there is a wide degree of mixing tangible and intangible value in a single product or action.