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Do you like my poem?

Knife's are falling all around, with you dodging up and down, then you think is there any point dodging when my life is'nt worth living, then you stop and the knifes stop falling,then you move and then there again! Life is so confusing,when you stop choosing, then by surprise one hits you from the side, as you lay there in pain no one cares for you, but yourself in vain. Your friend walks in and sees you there all they can do is stop and stair, slowly but surely they start breaking down, in deep despair!

Please read the rest of my poems!

Additional Details

5 months ago
(I'm 13) And im just a bit upset at the moment!

5 months ago
Here is another poem:
As the people pass me by, no one can hear my cries, I am lonely with all the cares in the world, but no one can see me, I sit there and wonder wether it's worth being in pain, with no one to care but yourself in vain!

5 months ago
This was all my own work

4 months ago
Why do you have to say go kill yourself! It gives me idea's!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If you are in such emotional pain, and despairing so much, you need help to handle your emotions.

Please see your family doctor as soon as possible, and tell him the truth of your horrendous mood swings. You need a trained therapist to help you through the minefield your mind has become.

Don't forget that your body has just recently begun to be flooded with all kinds of hormones it's not used to handling. The cause of your problems may be as simple as a hormone imbalance. Allow your doctor to find out if this may be so.

Good luck, honey. Remember, it is only stupid to NOT seek help when life overwhelms us.