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HW question?

a man has a goat, a wolf, and a head of cabbage. he comes to a river and must bring these three things across to the other side. the boat can only hold the man plus either the goat, the wolf, or the cabbage. there is another problem. if the cabbage is lef with the goat, the goat will eat the cabbage. if the wolf is left with the goat, the goat will be devoured. how can he transport the wolf, the goat, and the cabbage to the other side?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The secret to this riddle is the middle object---the goat. The goat is the key and must travel back and forth between the two sides.

Take the goat first. Come back alone. Take the cabbage and leave it. WHILE GOING BACK, TAKE THE GOAT BACK TO THE WOLF. Leave goat on wrong side (original side) of river and take wolf. Leave wolf and cabbage on the correct side. Then go back for the goat.