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Is this a comma splice?

If so, how can I fix it? My mother language is Spanish, sometimes it's hard to write in English. Thank you for your help.

"When selecting the questions, I bore in mind issues that were related to their real context due to the fact that some items did not fit at all, that is, statements regarding practice with native speakers, focus on grammar, among others were not taken into consideration when the questionnaire was applied."

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Okey, hope you don't mind if I mangle your writing into something other than what you're trying to say. I'm no literary genius, but I'll show you what I would do with it.

Keep in mind the semi-colon in the second sentence allows you to explain the thought that was written prior to the semi-colon. Dunno if it helps, but the edited first sentence I use prefaces and underscores the major point of the passage. The second goes into the hows and whys as well as the general outcome.

One thing to keep in mind when about to communicate a few examples is to keep them in the same family - either by repeating what exactly they are with the same word or by following the comma with no extra or distracting words. - don't try to slide another idea in until the summary at the end.

"When selecting the questions, I bore in mind issues that were related to their real context. Some items did not fit at all; those regarding practice with native speakers, those focussing on grammar, and some others were not considered when the questionnaire was applied."

Good luck!