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Can Bosnia request a retrial considering Serbia's intentions to commit genocide?

I'm an Irishman who travelled through Bosnia last year, and I learnt that Bosnia is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been in, their people are some of the most genuine and friendy people I have ever come across. In light of this I have tried to educate myself on the horrible acts that occured there in th e90's. On this note, I was horrified of the UN courts findings in the last few days. In light of this can you please tell me what course of action is being planned and why exactly the UN failed to come to a "conclusive" conclusion? Were you shocked by their verdict?

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4 months ago
Good points Makedonij..., noted.

4 months ago
To iritadrag. good point also, Ironic yes, sad, maybe. I m just happy THERE ARE courts like this today!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I am very pleased with verdict, and I am from Bosnia. You don't have a clue about the situation. You probably have muslim friends who told you this. You must know that in Bosnia was hapening the civil war, and what muslims with their propaganda want to say is that Serbs made agression on Bosnia (?!).
1. The prosecution was illegal in the first place, because representatives of serbian authorities (member of presidency, members of parlament) never verified it, which must be done according to constitution (where it is said that 3 constitutional nations are:Serbs, Croats and "Bosniacs").
2. Croatia is neighbooring country that 1992., after claiming of indipendence, enter on territory of Bosnia and in village Sijekovac murdered 20 civilians, Serbian civilian. That was first incident in Bosnia after which started the war. Official military forces of Croatia were all the time on territory of Bosnia during the war, they were gthe ones that crashed old bridge in Mostar, in the case that you don't know! They also were directly involved in war in northern Bosnia, in little town Mrkonjic Grad they murdered many people and burned everything, they even bombed serbian refugees (on bosnian territory). When Serbs said that Croatia should be prosecuted too, both Croats and Bosniacs refused it. For Croats is understandable, but for Bosniacs?! Croatian army murdered them too, can you imagine that hipocracy?
3. If we will go that far, did your friends told you about religious fanatics that came from Saudi Arabia and similar countries, and were fighting with Muslims all the time? There is a video where they cut off heads of serbian soldier. They had their own unit in official bosniacs army and war president Alija Izetbegovic was their direct commander!!! Do you think that international court prosecuted them or Izetbegovi䇿 Noooo. Now we should ask to prosecute Saudi Arabia? During the war muslim authorities gave bosnian citizenship to thousends of those fanatics from all arabian countries, and even from Turkey. Now I can't get visa too, 'cause passport of my country also have muslim terrorist and criminals, and on every airport they will treat me same as that human trash. It is easy for you Irishman to speak like this. I wish that you have that problem in your country, so than to ask you what to think about this?
I don't say that crimes didn't made. But this verdict OK.
I have a friend, Irishman. He was living and working in Bosnia, and he have totally different view because he has a insight in all these questions.