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Does no-one on here know how to use google?

the number of times i answer a question by googling!

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4 months ago
hmmm. there are such things as typos! i'm more than capable of constructing a grammatically correct english sentence. in fact i've just got a distinction in an OU level 3 english language course. i don't use capitals when i'm typing e-mails, or on here, as a matter of policy. or as an aesthetic decision. or because i'm lazy. or maybe my shift key has stopped working. or maybe it's because i just plain don't. lol

and the question *does no-one know?* is a different question from *does anyone know?* if i ask *does anyone know* i am asking someone to tell me how to use google... whereas i was really asking a rhetorical question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

careful lady.. the "it's good to have people's opinions" and "go away" and other such overwhelmingly witty intellectualisms brigade will have your neck for even suggesting that Y/A might entail a lot of pointlessness and leave those of us with a cerebral cortex that is wrinkly enough to actually contain neural pathways incredulous at the sheer emptiness of so many dare i call them... minds... as if the OPINION of how many grammes are in half an ounce were of some deeply enlightening value... I respect you for one reason and one reason only: the answer to your question can't be found on google (unless you count the fact that this page will come up at some point...)