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Argument essay topic help?

"Digging" poem by Seamus Heaney
"I, Too" poem by Langston Hughes
"The Metamorphosis" short story by Franz Kafka
"Astronomer's Wife" by Kay Boyle

I need to pick one of these poems or stories and write an argumentative essay.
I need help in finding a thesis statment or a topic (has to be in the form of an argument). Also, i need some works cited to back it up.

Any Suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Try this: (it got me a 4.0 paper in university)

Kafka's Gregor was a bug before he turned into a bug.
His life consisted of work, eat, sleep and that's it. He didn't have a girlfriend, his only hobby was locked in a drawer a long time ago.
In fact, a bug's life was better than his because at least bugs get laid once in awhile!