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Isnt it interesting ????

i have one serious doubt, whether our represents last birth,,, bcoz i previously thought that u will have those things in ur dream whihc i you had experinced on the day or previous day,,, but slowly getting a feel that , there are news things in my drm nw... alll things in the world what ever happening is already happen

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You are right up to some extent

see ajay you know the law E=mc square

that means enargy can neither be created nor can be distroyed it can be transfered from one form to another form and our soul is also an energy so its not going to be created and looks you are too frustreted on this matter start meditaition and you will slowly but surely discover the meaning and the origin of life

and why this things come in your mind is probably your subconcious mind is so active is that it works on very goodway so you can really do a great in meditation my best wishes with you

with luv sugar boy