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I need to know what you guys think of this poem?

Some of you may have seen it being posted for one of my answers but this was actually to be used for like a tribute to my class about what I learned and stuff so here goes...(Please tell me truthfully what you think and I wanna extend it so would appreciate if you guys could give me some ideas.)

That there are more things to be learned
And more to be loved
But yet we take for granted
And make others feel unappreciated
And see common things as underrated
Often life is disregarded
And viewed as overrated
But we still always have regretted
That the time we had was wasted
Complaining over things that made us feel constipated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think you could have had a more solid start. your punctuation (unless you chose not to have any) could not only be correct but apparent. Though I understand the end, I think that could have more too.