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Do you like this poem I wrote?

I'm 11 years old and I was wondering if you like it

Doing nails and fixing hair,
Staying up late playing truth or dare.
Lots of laughs and little games,
Inside jokes and fun nicknames.

Talking on the phone all day long,
Always making sure nothings wrong.
Calling you up in the middle of the night,
Just to see if everythings all right.

Discussing crushes left and right,
Never getting in a fight.
Starting gossip here and there.
Buying clothes for you to share.

Sleepovers, never slept.
Lot's of secrets always kept.
Wishing days would never end,
The definition of a friend.

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4 months ago
the staying up late should just be staying up....too many syllables

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

are you kidding!? I'm only ten and i can never write a poem that good at school you would probably be in my school magazine keep on doing poetry and you'll be a great writer i loved it