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Whats your opinion about this poem?

How do you feel when you read this poem
Do you think it's good or bad

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4 months ago
Sry I forgot to put it in my question
Here it is Titled Summer Evenings :
Calm, peaceful
The warm summer breezes gently brushes past your cheek and shoulder
Wrapping you in its summer magic
All your friends are there
You smile, since it has been so long
As you fall onto the cool grass you make a grass angel
Laughing, Screaming, Smiling
You rest your head in your friends lap as you take in the oh so indescribable sunset
The realization of true happiness enters your head as you enjoy the company of summer and good friends

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You have the general idea....just add a few words that have some rhyme to them. Poems are always a work in progress...keep writing..

"We choose our own happiness"