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Question: How twilight could have been better!?
I'm writng a book report about Twilight
Tell me how twilight could hav been better and why

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First of all it could have had decent characters!. No Mary Sues and no perfect characters!. Perfection is boring and annoying; how can anyone relate to someone who is perfect!? Bella should have been dropped completely!. She is an annoying, self pitying bimbo, she has no personality no ambition, no intelligence!. Meyers says Bella's biggest flaw is her lack of self knowledge but I say her biggest flaw is her lack of personality, charm, or anything else that makes a character worth while!. Edward needs a complete overhaul!. He is a vampire; give him an uncontrollable blood lust or something!. Don't make him sparkly and perfect, it's stupid and annoying!.

Secondly, PLOT!. A plot is a wonderful thing, it is what keeps the story interesting, and it is the story!. A book needs a real plot!. Twilight lacks a plot up until the last 6 or 7 chapters!. Before that it is nothing more than cuddling and Bella and Edward playing 20 questions!. There is nothing interesting about that!.

Thirdly, do not drastically change pre-established species!. This is a fatal flaw with Twilight!. It completely alters what a vampire is in a bad way!. It makes it so that the vampires do not even resemble their species!. A vampire has to feed on human blood, it is the hallmark of the species, and you cannot get rid of something like that!.

Fourth, dialog!. The dialog in the books is awful!. Meyers was not thinking about what modern teenagers say when she wrote this book because if she had been the dialog would have been better!. Avoiding cheesy dialog would have also made Twilight much much better!. So much of this dialog is just out right silly and stupid "Bring on the shackles I'm your slave!." "Holy Crow!" Do you know any teenagers that say things like that!?

Pacing was another huge problem!. The book seemed to drag on and on and on and on with out actually going anywhere and then it start rushing the end!. It was like the author wanted to make the book longer so she put in a lot of unnecessary detail and what not then she ran out of time and just rushed the ending!. She could have made the book better by getting rid of a lot of the unneeded scenes such as the meadow scene or the most of the school scenes!. Then she could expand the ending making it less rushed!.

Sexism, this book is just outright sexist!. The way Edward treats Bella and the way Bella acts are both very annoying and offensive!. Bella is a stereotypical damsel in distress who cannot do a damn thing herself and Edward is a complete misogynist at times!. These two combined set feminism back to the Dark ages where women were considered to be soulless property!.

Grammar and adjective abuse!. While reading twilight I found myself wondering is there was an editor especially with some of the mistakes I saw!. There were tons of grammatical mistakes and even spelling mistakes!. I showed my English teacher and she was shocked that the editor let it pass!. Even worse than the grammar mistakes was the abuse of adjectives!. Velvet, soldering!. Beautiful and perfect are sued so many times I lost count!. Edward is described so many times it gets annoying!. It made me want to get Meyers a thesaurus!.

Personality is something that is important for characters!. Every character needs a special personality that makes them unique and important!. None of the characters in Twilight have any sort of personality!. They are all about as deep as a puddle in the middle of the desert in July!. Most of them are obvious stereotypes or even worse worship characters, characters that exist to do nothing more than kiss Bella's ***!.

Love!. I think everyone can agree that an important part of a love story is love!. Unfortunately for Twilight love is exactly what it is missing!. Bell and Edward do not love each other; they hardly even know each other!. She knows Edward for a week and suddenly she is completely in love with him!. I am sorry but that is not how love works!. Love is something you build not something that just happens!. Lust just happens not love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that out of everything that I did not like about the book, three things in particular stand out to me!.

>The writing style!. Granted, this isn't easy to change!. I didn't like it because I found it overly simplistic!. Meyer uses the same words over and over again to describe things, especially Edward Cullen (see how many times she uses "stone-like" in the book)!. also, it seemed as if the only thing Bella every thought about was Edward!. I would have thought that EVEN if a girl were in love, her man wouldn't be the ONLY thing she thinks about!.

>The characters are too cliched and ideal!. If you look through books that are classics, the main characters are always flawed in some way!. The way Bella describes Edward goes quite the opposite!. He is portrayed as perfect!. As a result, there is nowhere for the character to grow, develop, err, and rise above the ashes!. Bella Swan appeared to me a Mary Sue!. Basically, she is described as average, yet every boy in school is attracted to her!. Like with Edward, she has no character flaw (clumsiness isn't a character flaw)!.

>The story was not laid-out or paced out very well!. By this I'm refering to two things!. The development of the "love" between Bella and Edward and the James the Tracker thing!. Falling in love is such a special thing!. Yet, while I was reading Twilight, I saw two characters repelled from one another, then 50 pages later passionately in love!. I didn't see the intermediate stages of awkwardness, shyness, etc!. Now, James the Tracker!. This could have been an excellent highlight of the book, had Meyer not crammed it into the last 150 pages of the book!. I would have loved more detail, more raw emotion, more terror and fear!. I would have liked to see the death of James spelt out explicitly!. I felt that Meyer found that she'd elaborated on so little for too long that she had to cram a ton into as few pages as possible!.

I do have many, many other issues with this series, but those are my three biggest problems!.

~Zara Sahana, because Treehouse rules!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It should be your opinion!. If you liked it, then find a few things you didn't like, even in our favorite books, we don't agree with EVERYTHING!. If you didn't like it, state the things you didn't like about it!. Here are MY opinions, though!.

-There had been suspense
-There had been foreshadowing
-Vampires weren't perfect
-At least ONE character had a personality
-There weren't so many characters to keep track of and remember (The list of personalityless characters gets much much longer throughout the series)
-Edward was less sexist
-Bella wasn't anti-feminist
-Edward treated Bella more like an equal
-Bella wouldn't go along with Edward's controlling qualities
-Bella was actually NICE
-Bella didn't whine about EVERY!. TEENY-TINY!. THING!.
-That Bella actually had to work for anything, at all!. Friends, or Edward, or all the boys fawning over her all the time!.
-Bella and Edward had developed their relationship instead of a Love at First Sight Thing
-Edward didn't stalk her (It's fine if he is fascinated with her and wants to keep her safe, but he didn't need to STALK her)

The list can go ON and ON, but I'll save you the trouble of reading my over-analyzed opinions!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could have been better if:
-There had been a plot!.
-Vampires weren't perfect!.
-Boys weren't falling at Bella's feet left and right!.
--Or if they were, if Bella was actually nice, thus giving them a reason to do so!.
-If the characters had had individual personalities, rather than just stereotypes!.
-If Bella had had more of a backbone and didn't whine about EVERY!. LITTLE!. THING!.
-If there was a reason for their romance!.
-If Edward wasn't a stalker!.
-If side characters (ie Esme, Jessica, Lauren, Angela, Billy, Tyler, et cetera) had been given more in-depth personalities than just 's/he loves Bella' or 's/he hates Bella!.

The list could go on for a long time, but I'll stop there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there was actually a plot!. And if the relationship between Bella and Edward was developed more in Twilight!. I mean, they spoke like three words and then fell in love!. Seriously!.

I thought I liked the Twilight series but now after seeing the movie, I've realized how little plot it really has!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It dragged on a little!. I mean come on how many times does Bella have to dream, think, and wonder about Edward before they actualy hook up!? The writing was amazing and so was the plot, it was just slow sometimes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

say stuff about the writing style, maybe if it had been different then you would have enjoyed and understood it a little better!? I dunno!? just right allot of rubbish and use big words, my English teacher loves it when I do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One thing I think would have been better is if Jacob Black would have been more involved in the first book!. Maybe more sever warnings about the Cullens in the first book!.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the book!.
Edward is perfect in posotively every way!!

BACK OFF!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly the only thing that bothered me a little was there were some very obvious grammer mistakes!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

A plot, or characters with personalities would have been nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would have been better if it hadn't been written at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it should be your opinion!. if you liked it the way it was then talk about that and why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com