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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Hey, want to help me brainstorm for a section of my story?

Question: Hey, want to help me brainstorm for a section of my story!?
My story begins with a very young refugee travelling with a group of not-so-nice soldiers who barely tolerate his presence!. My main character is a soldier who torments him in the beginning but later, when things get ugly, stands against the other soldiers and his own leader to protect the refugee!. He suffers pretty serious consequences for it!.

Basically, I'm trying to brainstorm small events that help that transition!. So far I've based the change mostly on my character's sense of honor!. Any ideas, either little/big/simple/comple that would make that transition logical!?

thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How about the solider twists his ankle and the refugee helps him out!.

The soldiers wife dies and the refugee helps him find peace
