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Position:Home>Books & Authors> A.E. Housman poems "Eight O'clock" "To an Athlete Dying Young

Question: A!.E!. Housman poems "Eight O'clock" "To an Athlete Dying Young" "Loveliest of trees, the cherry now" help!!?
I have to show what these three poems have in common, and then the ways they differ!. I've never been good taking any deeper meaning out of poetry, so any help would be great!. Best answer goes to comparing and contrasting all three, with good explanation!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The title of "Athlete" makes it clear that the poem is about death!. If you read the cherry tree poem attentively, you can't help noticing the speaker's awareness of his mortality!. (Look especially at the second stanza!.) "Eight O'clock" is about the last moments in the life of a man who is about to be hanged!.

So in one of the poems, the speaker contemplates somebody else's death!. In one of them, a young man talks about his awareness that even if he lives to be 70, his life is still going to be pretty short!. And in one of them, the striking of the clock means that a man is just about to die!. Start with that information, and you should have no trouble writing something about how the three different poems deal with death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com