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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I've just started reading the book the giver and it's really confusing??

Question: I've just started reading the book the giver and it's really confusing!?!? help please!!!!?
ok well i dont get the whole thing!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why dont you read the whole book and then you might get it!?

Actually, its about Jonas and a special village that he lives in!. That village is supposed to be "perfect" where if any bad genes are made they are terminated right away!. then in the end of the book, jonas escapes the comunity to see what its like in the outside world!. From this he never comes back to the community!.

Thats basically all I remember!. I am 20 now and I read it when I was around 14!.


*Spoiler Alert*
The book is about a dystopia in which everything is without color and the same!. Instead of families, there are "units"!. One such unit is that of Jonas!. On their "eleven"th anniversary, they become apprentices to take on the job of the old people so that the current job holders can be replaced and "released" (Released is another word for kill, really)!. Jonas does not get into a regular job - he becomes the apprentice to The Giver and recieves several memories!. They are from before Jonas' world became black and white!. Now, he must decide whether he should stay in a world that is uniform or find that "elsewhere"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WikiPedia to the rescue! I skimmed through this page and it seems very helpful!. http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/The_Giver

"The Giver" is an excellent, excellent book!. I hope that this summary helps you understand it better so that you'll enjoy it just as much as I did! Happy reading! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

What part are you on!? What's so confusing about it!? I read it!.!.!.it's not so hard!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com