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Question: Help with Les Miserables (Unabridged) by Victor Hugo!?
I have scanned this wretched book countless times and I cannot find by what English teacher wants us to write about!. She is making us write an essay about the criminals in the books compared to or contrasted to present day criminals!.

The only one I can find is when Jean Valjean stole the bread for his sisters starving children!.

I am only up to "The End Of Which Is Unlike the Beginning; Enriched by the Commentaries of Toussaint" part of the book!.

Please help I only need 2 or 3 examples FROM THE BOOK (of criminals), I can compare them myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The novel just seems "wretched" because it was written as a serialization!. To read the entire bulk emasse is a little unfair to students!. Go to the net, do a google on "Crimes in Les Miserables!."

Here is an interesting quote!. Good luck!. Www@QuestionHome@Com