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Question: Marry shelley Frankenstein novel help!!?
What does Dr frnkenstein reactions to the creature say about him,men and humanity in general!? Any Ideas people!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Dr!. Frankenstein realized that the creature turned out to be a lot like himself!. Think-headed in that it would not stop at anything to get what it wanted!. Victor wanted very much to learn everything there was about science even at the price of 'all work and no play!.' The creature wanted a mate and hounded him until it got what it wanted!.

Men have pride and a lot of it at time!. Humanity in general is that we live and we die and there is nothing that can done about it!. Dr!. Frankenstein soon found that there was a price to pay for immortality!.

In the song by Garth Brooks, The Dance, he says, "Our lives are better left to chance, I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss !. !. !. The Dance!."

If I'd have to give a written report on this subject, this is how I would give it!. That's just me!.

