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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is there anywhere I can read all the pokemon books by Tracey West for free onlin

Question: Is there anywhere I can read all the pokemon books by Tracey West for free online!?
I'm 17 and still a huge pokemon fan!! So,anyone know where I can read all or most of the pokemon books by Tracey West free online!?
I have this question in this category because I think it will be seen more :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you want to do is steal from Tracey West!. That is illegal!.

If she posts her books on her website and invites you to read them for free, they are legal!. Otherwise they are not legal!.

Don't steal from authors!. They need to be able to feed their families too!.

n a civil suit, an infringer may be liable for a copyright owner's actual damages plus any profits made from the infringement!. Alternatively, the copyright owner may avoid proving actual damage by electing a statutory damage recovery of up to $30,000 or, where the court determines that the infringement occurred willfully, up to $150,000!. The actual amount will be based upon what the court in its discretion considers just!. (17 U!.S!.C!. 504)

Violation of copyright law is also considered a federal crime when done willfully with an intent to profit!. Criminal penalties include up to ten years imprisonment depending on the nature of the violation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com