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Question: Looking for interpreters of Shakespeare!!?
I am doing a research project on the interpretations of Shakespeare's work through the centuries!. Can anybody recommend some quality texts written ABOUT Shakespeare!. Thank you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can start with the negative critic, Rymer, who saw WS as a bumbling amateur!. Then, for a critical but admiring view, try Sam!. Johnson's preface and edition of the plays!. Jumping forward 100 years, Granville Barker and A!.C!. Bradley, both practical men of the theatre, wrote sensible studies!.

For an account of acting styles, you can always google some of the greats - Burbage, who created most of the geat tragic roles; Garrick in the late 18C (he was Johnson's friend and pupil); Edmund Kean, the first after Burbage to return to what the text of the 'Merchant' offers and play Shylock for sympathy as a flawed tragic hero, not an outright villain!. In more recent times, you have some excellent (and very varied) interpretations on film/DVD: the Olivier performances as Henry V and Othello stand out!. In the latter film, don't miss Maggie Smith as Desdemona!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com