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Position:Home>Books & Authors> When will book 2 of the Exiles of Boq'urain by A.C. Crispin be released?

Question: When will book 2 of the Exiles of Boq'urain by A!.C!. Crispin be released!?
I'm loving book one tremendously, and looking online!.!.!.I can't find anything about book 2!. In fact, throughout the internet, even on the the author's website I can't find anything updated more recent than 2006!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She's a member at a website I frequent!. Let me see if she wants to share any information!. If she does, either she'll do it herself or perhaps permit me to pass it along, in which case I'll edit this answer!.

Later: Kyle, I sent Ms!. Crispin a private message showing her your questions and got her permission to post this reply expressly for you:

Ann C!. Crispin here:

I'm so glad that people enjoyed Storms of Destiny!. But that trilogy is going to have to wait to be finished, and find a new publisher, because I have had to put it on the back burner in order to accept a really terrific professional opportunity!.

I am currently under contract with Disney to write the first, full-length Pirates of the Caribbean novel!. This will be an original novel, basically a prequel to the films, giving us a look at how Jack Sparrow first became a pirate captain, encountered Cutler Beckett, and got The Black Pearl!. I can't say more than that about the plot!.

After this book is completed, I will be finishing up the second book of the Boq'urain trilogy, which is currently over half finished!. Then I'll be looking for a way to publish it, as I had to buy out of my Harper contract in order to take the offer from Disney!.

I hope readers will understand!. It was a tremendous wrench to turn my attention away from Boq'urain, but the career opportunity to be the first person chosen to write grownup books about Pirates of the Caribbean was just too stellar to miss!.

I'll be updating my website soon to reflect these new developments!. I was under a non-disclosure agreement with Disney regarding talking about the project or promoting it until I got book outline approval!.!.!.which happened less than a month ago!.

Thanks for being my reader!. I love all my readers!.!.!.without you I'd have no one to tell my stories to!.


-Ann C!. CrispinWww@QuestionHome@Com