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Question: Who loves the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen!?
I need some help with this book!.

I need a one sentence description on Elizabeth, Darcy, Jane, and Bingley!.

also!. I need to know who you consider to be minor characters and an sentence description on them!.

Finally I need a sentence description on major settings in the book!. Considering the time factor also in settings!.

10 pts with a well thought answer!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love 'Pride and Prejudice' and I only read it recently for a piece of University coursework!.

Elizabeth Bennett is the main character and is a young woman who is very different to her sisters; she is very witty and is her father's favourite daughter!. She rejects 2 proposals in the novel- one from Mr Collins, and one from Mr Darcy, but later accepts another proposal from Darcy!. She represents the 'Prejudice' side of the novel (while Mr Darcy represents the 'Pride' side), due to her first impressions of Mr Darcy, and the fact that she believes what Mr Wickham tells her about Darcy!. She dislikes Mr Darcy greatly, and even more when she discovers that Darcy convinced Mr Bingley to abandon his wishes to marry Elizabeth's sister Jane!. However, she eventually learns that Darcy has helped her family by trying to save her sister Lydia's reputation by paying Mr Wickham to marry her, as they have eloped together, and this was looked down upon in those days, especially if the coulple did not marry!. Her feelings towards Darcy had also changed after she visited his beautiful home Pemberley, due to the nature surrounding it!.

Mr Darcy is a a very wealthy man who at first appears very snobbish and pompus in the novel, as he refuses to dance with women at the local ball!. The reader learns through subtle comments that Darcy's feelings towards Elizabeth turn more favourable!. He eventually asks her to marry him, but she refuses vecause he separated her sister and Mr Bingley!. Darcy responds by writing a letter explaining his actions and the thruth about his relationship with Mr Wickham (Wickham had lied and said that Darcy had denied him his inheritance)!. Darcy and Elizabeth eventually marry after he does something to help her family!.

Jane is the oldest of the Bennett sisters and she is the love interest of Mr Bingley!. Jane is said to be shy when it comes to expressing her feelings and this leads to Mr Darcy misunderstanding her true feelings towards Mr Bingley (leading to him talking Bingley out of proposing)!. Jane loves Mr Bingley very much, and the two later get married, after the misunderstanding ids resoleved and Bingley realises he loves Jane regardless of her family background- the Bennetts although not poor, are not as rich as Bingley or Darcy!.

Mr Bingley is a wealthy young man who is moving to the nearby area, and the local women are excited as they are after a suitable husband (this is an important theme in the novel, and Austen plays with this in the opening sentence: 'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife!.') Bingley has a very snobby sister Caroline, who appears to want to marry Darcy, and becomes very jealous and rude towards Elizabeth Bennett!.

Minor Characters:
Lydia is one of the younger Bennett sisters and is very immature!. She elopes with Mr Wickham, thus does not care for her or her family's reputation!. Mr Darcy then helps by paying Wickham to marry her!.

Caroline Bingley is Mr Bingley's sister and can be seen to be Austen's criticism of upper class society as she is rich and looks down on the Bennett family!. She makes herself look foolish however, when she insults Elizabeth infront of Mr Darcy and he defends Elizabeth saying she is one of the most handsome women he has ever met (volume 3 chapter 3), so her comments ended up hurting herself, as they had forced Darcy to say something she didn't want him to, as she wanted Darcy herself!.

Lady Catherine De Bourgh is another wealthy woman in the novel and is Darcy's aunt!. She is also very pompous and looks down on Elizabeth and her family (volume 2 chapter 6 is quite useful)

Elizabeth's friend Charlotte is a useful character, as she shows the desperation of some women!. She is left with no choice but to marry Mr Collins, as she knows she is not attractive, and even though she is in her late twenties she is considered old, and she wants to be comfortable!. Charlotte represents that women often had to marry for security in the time the novel was written!.

Major settings in the book:
Rosings is the home of Lady Catherine, and is a symbol of her wealth, as Mr Collins often reminds the others about the cost of parts of the house- like the fireplace and the glazing!. Collins even tells Elizabeth that Lady Catherine will like her simple clothing because it reminds her of her upper rank!. Elizabeth does not seem impressed with Rosings, even though it is a very grand house!.

However, she is impressed with Pemberley, Mr Darcy's home, possibly because of the nature surrounding it, as Elizabeth enjoys walking and loves nature:
'It was a large, handsome, stone building, standing well on rising ground, and backed by a ridge of high woody hills; – and in front, a stream of some natural importance was swelled into greater, but without any artificial appearance!. Its banks were neither formal, nor falsely adorned!. Elizabeth Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved this book; it's my favorite!

However, this question sounds more like a homework assignment than a general pondering of the book as a whole!.

The only thing I can tell you is that the answer to these questions all lie within the book!. It's not a difficult assignment!.

For Darcy and Elizabeth, I'd suggest you take a look at the title of the novel and try to determine something of their characters from that alone!.

As for the rest of the assignment, I'd suggest reading the book!. Really, it's all in there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't enjoy Pride and Prejudice at all!. It is not my sort of book, and it is quite a few years since I read it!. There are a number of online study guides for Pride and Prejudice, and quite a few other resources on the web that can help you with this novel!. Most of them have quite a bit of good information!. Have a look at these sites, and you should get some help with your work!. If you do a search for Pride and Prejudice here in the Yahoo Answers search window you will find that quite a few questions have been asked here about this book, so that is another source of help!.



i love that book! one of the best romances ever!.

anyway, do your own homework! if you read the book, doubtless you would be able to answer these questions on your own!.

over and out!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hated that book!. Use antistudy!.com!.Www@QuestionHome@Com