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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm trying to figure out the name of a children's book, but I don't

Question: I'm trying to figure out the name of a children's book, but I don't really remember much about it!.!.!.!?
In the book, the main character (who I believe is a kangaroo) gets a jacket with a bunch of pockets!. Then he wanders around the forest and, for some reason, gets a bunch of animals in his pockets!. I can't remember really what the plot was or anything like that, but it ends with him (or her!?) with a bunch of animals in the jacket pockets!.!.!.

I know this is horribly vague, but does anyone know what it is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think that you are talking about katy no pocket by emmy payne here is a picture of the cover: http://belladia!.typepad!.com/photos/uncat!.!.!.

i used to read this book all the time as a kid and i remembered the name cause katie's my name too! hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, I remember reading this book too!. It was a great book, but I'm also drawing a blank!. If I remember later I'll let you know!. Sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com