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Position:Home>Books & Authors> If Renesmee had been Jacob and Bella's child, do you think he would still ha

Question: If Renesmee had been Jacob and Bella's child, do you think he would still have imprinted on her!?
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Um!.!.!. weird question!. But no!. If Nessie had been Jacob and Bella's child she would not have been Renesmee!.

neko-chan! Charilly! That made me nearly die of laughter! Hmm!.!.!. how about Barlie!? If we knew Jacob's mother's name we could come up with a middle name!.

I just realized how creepy it would be if he imprinted on his daughter!. EWW! Disgusting!. I guess it really didn't register at first!.!.!. Gross!. *shudder*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simply no!.
She would not have been the same baby as Edward's he gave her a lot of her defining traits, both physically and mentally!. She is a unique baby!.
Plus she wouldn't have been a vampire!.

If you are meaning because of the incest then I assume that it is always possible to happen!. Unlikely in a young adult book, but if it were a real life situation it would be very possible!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Renesmee couldn't have come from Bella and Jacob!. They would have a had a boy, I'm betting!.!.!.and named him Charilly or something silly like that haha!. I know, bad name, but I'm tired and not thinking quite straight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no because she would have looked, and been a completely different person and she wouldnt have me half vampire and her name weould not be renesme cause bella out together her mom and edwards moms name so she would have had to put together renee and jacobs moms nameWww@QuestionHome@Com

No I dont think so,
good question though,
im sure you could ask Stephanie Meyer through her website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ugh!.!.!.imagine imprinting on your own child!.
I certainly hope not!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Either way, he still imprints on one person, related or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm no i think he would be happy that happened!!
he is know to piss off edward lolWww@QuestionHome@Com