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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What items represent Oliver Twist?

Question: What items represent Oliver Twist!?
I need some ideas!. Items that represent a time in his life!. I need five in all!. I can't think of anything except a handkerchief!. Please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Besides the empty bowl, you could have a coffin represent the short time Oliver works for the undertaker, Mr!. Sowerberry!.

Besides the handkerchief, you could have a jail to represent Oliver being taken up by the police!.

Oliver walks to London, so perhaps a dusty road or mile markers/distance signs on a road or even a tramp could represent his long and weary journey!.

A doctor or some type of medicine could represent Oliver being cared for in Mr!. Brownlow's house after he was freed from custody and fell ill!.

A portrait of a young woman could represent the portrait of Oliver's (unknown at the time) mother!.

A pile of books could represent the time when Oliver was entrusted with taking Mr!. Brownlow's borrowed books back (lots of B's there) and is intercepted by Nancy and taken back to Fagin!.

A locket and a ring could both represent the items that Monks is seeking to find and which belonged to Oliver's mother and would show to whom Oliver belongs!.

There are other things you could use, but hopefully this will help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One item is a twisted olive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An empty bowl!.Www@QuestionHome@Com