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Position:Home>Books & Authors> My Side of the Mountain, by Jean George?

Question: My Side of the Mountain, by Jean George!?
This is one of my favourite books, and I've just found out it's the first of a trilogy!

Have you read the others!? Are they as good as the first!? What do/did you think!? Don't give away the story!

I've also been thinking about the film!.!.!. If you've seen it, what did you think of it!? I know that the story is changed from the book!.

Thanks :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes!. i have read the others!. and may i say that they are AMAZING! ahh i wish i could tell you about them, but then it'll give them away and there shall be none of that! if you liked the first one, you'll love the others!. you really should read them =)
i haven't seen the film!.!. i'm kind of hesitant!. i know it won't be as good and movies always screw up, but i might give it a try!.


I didn't really like the books!. I read the first 2 books, I didn't know it was a trilogy!. It's ok, but I just don't think its a really great book - it's not my type of books I guess lol!.
