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Question: Sexy, Erotic, Sensual HORROR Novel Books!.!.!.!?

I'm looking for a Novel which has all ot these points, I would like it to be part of a Series if there is such a thing, Horror, Blood, Guts, Danger etc!.

10 points for your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The only thing I can think of with all the sex and stuff would be Laurell K!. Hamilton's books!. Here's a site with all her books!. There's some series too!. The Vampire series (Anita Blake) has more sex by about the 7th or 8th book!. The Fairy series (Meredith Gentry) has sex pretty much from the beginning!. Have fun! And you can tell with the Meredith Gentry series that it's got sex/erotic stuff in it just by the titles!. LoL!.

Scroll about half way down the page for the series!. The books are listed in order!. And if you click on a title it will give you a little summary of the book!.

EDIT: As for the other answerer!.!.!.the Twilight Series does NOT have sex, eroticism, or horror!. It's about a teen and the vampire she falls in love with and they don't have sex til the 4th book!. They kiss, but that's about it!. And there's a little suspense, but no real horror!. They're good books, don't get me wrong, they just aren't what you're really asking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say Interview with the Vampire - Anne Rice fits this as it is quite scary and is very sexy in the way it describes sucking blood and the kill and the way Louis wants to kill the little girl is all very sexual!. Although there is no actual sex in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight Series!. They're good!. I wouldn't consider it guts, but blood, suspense, romance definetly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com