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Question: Who agrees Philip Roth is the greatest American writer!?
When I was ten you could catch me reading some form of idiotic literature like: J!. Patterson, Grisham, Pynchon, or some type like Rowling or Stephanie Meyer!. Now I'm a grown boy and only think Roth is a legitimate writer!. When I read his work, I can't even imagine reading any other author!. So who agrees with me that Philip Roth is the only real novelist America has left!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, see, the thing is, when I was 10 (12 actually) you could catch me reading Philip Roth!. My parents were beatniks and I was homeschooled!. I read Portnoy's Complaint before my father did!. Neither one of us was all that impressed, frankly!.

I wasn't reading Pynchon though, simply because we didn't own any!. I doubt that you were reading Pynchon either since you seem to have absolutely no clue about what sort of an author he actually is!. To compare him to Patterson is to expose a breathtaking ignorance which seems to be the hallmark of the Roth contingent (of one!?) that has been playing this little game in B&A lately!. In fact comparing Grisham to Patterson is yet another tell tale sign that you have not learned to read or think for yourself!. Grisham is a talented author, both of genre fiction and of some novels which transcend that label!. If you had a reading ear and the courage of your convictions, you would know that!.

Instead, I'm guessing, some charismatic professor whom you adore and emulate raved on about Roth and now, for you, it is Roth from sea to shining sea!. Anyone who says they can only imagine reading one author is obviously not ready to play with the big boys, especially when that author is preciously academic and remarkably shallow in his subject matter!. I guess it's true that water seeks its own level, certainly you have proven that to us in recent days!. If I had a grain of sense I would leave you to it, secure in the knowledge that one day you will grow out of it!. You may never learn to read, but you will cease banging this particular one note drum!.

Still, I can't seem to resist, because the puerility of your arrogance just plain offends me!. You offer no compelling argument for Roth, you do not explain to us why we should worship at his altar, you merely state it as an irrefutable fact!. There really are no irrefutable facts when it comes to this sort of thing but there are ways to present your case so that you inspire enthusiasm in others rather than scorn!. That is evidently not your goal, your goal seems to be to prove to yourself, if no one else, that you are the man with the one true vision that the rest of us poor morons are simply too dim to perceive!.

Believe it if it soothes you, but rest assured you have not convinced me!. Nor will you!. I know how to read, and I can judge a book on its own merits without the help of you or any other!. It's a state I hope you may attain some day, for our sake, if not your own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having never heard of Philip Roth I can't say that I've read any of his books!. And since I haven't read any of his books I can't say that he's the greatest American writer!. I don't even have the first clue what genre he writes!. But if you enjoy reading his books then by all means read them!. And just because you don't believe that the others listed are at his level don't knock them!. Because I've got news for you it's hard work writing a novel, or writing fiction period for that matter!.

And in case you don't already know this J!.K!. Rowling is English, not American!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

