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Question: Writer's block has plagued me again!. Any tips!?
I hate writer's block!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're working on a piece in particular (novel, screenplay, etc), here's what I'd do:
1!. Go do something completely different, like, take a walk, visit with friends, go shopping!.
2!. Open your work and read through it!. Edit the parts you've written if you like!.
3!. When you get to the place you've stopped, write the first thing that comes into your head!. Keep writing, even if you think it's so awful you want to gag!.
Will that 'first thing' be something brilliant that you keep!? Maybe not, but it will get your juices flowing again!.

If you're not working on anything specific, just sit and start writing words!. Write song lyrics, famous quotes, commercials, anything!. Just get the hands and brain working together, until an idea comes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can do a number of things to try and overcome your block!.

+Go outside!. Observe people, sounds, animals, scents, etc!.
+Listen to your favorite song by your favorite artist or any type of music!. I find a lot of my inspiration comes from music!. What I like to do is listen to a completely instrumental song and put a story to it!.
+Start writing something else as a way to open up that block!. It doesn't have to be long, and it doesn't have to be *great!.* Just keep writing and practicing!. If you search "creative writing exercises" on google, you can find a lot of helpful exercises that force you to use your creativity!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I write something else, maybe about my day, or just start describing something I see, usually helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do something simple, with the other side of your body!. repeat until it seems ordinary!. maybe THAT WILL HELP!. good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hate it too Www@QuestionHome@Com