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Question: Do I need an agent!? Is self publishing better!?
I'm 13!. Writing novel that is aimed at 11+ and is going to be about 115 pages!. What would be a good way for people to see my book and buy it/read it/etc!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first thing you need to do is finish writing your novel because that's when the real work starts!. After you've finished writing it you need to find a group of really good readers to read it and critque so that you can get it cleaned up and edited!. And I'll be honest the editing process can be a little intimidating and depressing at times but in the end it makes the novel you've worked so hard on so much better!.
I'll be honest you'll probably have a hard time finding an agent because of your age!. And the same is true with trying the self-publishing route!. But that doesn't mean it's impossible!.

But if you're serious about it here's a route you might consider:

It's contest geared toward teens 12-18!. The link above will give you more information but it is a way to get your work looked at by an actual publishing company!. There's no entry fee for the contest, which is unusual, but I actually had the chance to meet the people who run this publishing company and they're good people!. You probably won't make lots of money, which honestly very few authors ever do, but it's a chance to show people what you're capable of!. The deadline is coming up but the entry would be a short story not a full novel so you still have time if you're interested!. The prize is publication in their anthology, check out the site for more info!.
This will help increase your creditibility when it comes time to look for an agent in the future when you're ready to submit your novel!. Or you could follow the submission guidelines and submit directly with Grumpy Dragon Publishing when you're ready!. And no I don't work for them, they're just the only publishing company I know that works toward getting teen works published!.

I agree with the previous answerer, finish your book first!. I've written a few, yet to be published though, and I've found myself writing multiple revisions to make the story better!. When you finish your book, it would probably be a good idea to let a friend or teacher (highly recommended) read it and have them critique it rather harshly!. Critics will make you more aware of flaws in your novel that you might not catch!. I'm actually critiquing a few of my friends novels, so if you would like me to read a bit of yours and give you some help, send me a bit of your book, my email is schnitzel204@yahoo!.com!. Hope I could help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need an agent in order for anyone at all to see it!. If you're set on self-publishing, you'll have to go around to libraries and small independent bookstores and sell it yourself, which is a hassle!. In addition, if an agent won't take it, it isn't worth the trouble, usually!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com