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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone have an Amazon Kindle, or know about them?

Question: Does anyone have an Amazon Kindle, or know about them!?
I love my kindle and would be lost without it! For those of you who don't know what this is, it is an electronic, wireless book reader with a built in search engine, wireless downloads in about 30 seconds, daily subcriptions to newspapers, novels, blogs, and it weights less than a paperback novel!.
A friend told me that the second generation version was coming out at the end of this year, but I can't find any information about it on Amazon!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't have a Kindle, but I have been considering it!. There are three things that have stopped me thus far: 1-I like the feel of a real book in my hands when reading, 2-I have a tendency to want ever more books and the Kindle may make it too easy for me to buy too many, and 3-the price is a bit high!.

Even with these drawbacks, I'm still debating whether or not to buy one!. I haven't seen any information about an updated version coming out, which would increase my interest!. If another version were to come out, most likely possible kinks would be corrected!. (Have you found any flaws so far!?)

Having the Kindle and loving it is a good recommendation - unless you work for Amazon!. :)

***Edit: Reason returned!.!.!.microfiche!.!.!.long division without the aid of electronics!.!.!.whew! ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im soo jealous!. I want a Kindle but they are too expensive for me!.

Are they going to get smaller!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Kindle is a prime example of how technology is destroying the world!. With all the evidence coming out proving that too much exposure to digital information is changing brain development, and not for the better, it should be illegal for things like that to exist!. It's destroying people's attention span, ability for complex critical thought, and shortening long term memory among dozens of other terrible side effects (Not just the Kindle, over exposure to electronic media in general)!. Not to mention the reliance and dependance on technology it is creating!. I met a kid in class the other day who didn't know that we had been able to keep records of back issued newspapers before the advent of the internet, and further more didn't realize that we didn't used to have to pay any dues to look at them!. You try to access an article from ten years ago on a major newspaper's website now and they want to charge you anywhere from $0!.99 to $3!.99!. It's absurd!. I hope evidence comes out showing that Kindle causes cancer in the eyes or something so this foolishness will just go away!. I'm sick of it!.

I didn't print off my class schedule the other day, and the computer system went down!. I called the registrar to get the first class location (Because I can never remember for the first week) and they couldn't get my schedule because the computer system went down! Come on! That's ridiculous!.

To more directly answer your question: No, I don't have a Kindle!. I think it's designers and the owners of Amazon are in league with Satan, and am pretty sure that all an updated version of it will do is add another nail in the coffin of human progress!. Don't do it, CK1!Www@QuestionHome@Com