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Question: Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer!?
what do you think of what people did to her!.!.!.
stealing her unfinished manuscript and posting it online!.

now the rest of the fans don't get to enjoy it because she doesnt want to write it anymore because of the jerks who ruined it!.

What are your opinions twilight fans!?
i know i would have liked to buy a copy of the book when it was intended to come outWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was sooo upset when I heard about this!.!.!. I was looking forward to reading Midnight Sun!.!. casuse like everyone out ther I lurrrve Edward!.!.!. and she said she wanted us to get to know him more!!

What happened was wrong!.!.!. she said herself that she trusted these people and they have quite obviously betrayed her!!She has every right to be upset but I really didn't think that she would stop writing all together!! I don't want to call it a over reaction as I think in time she will calm down and want to continue writing Edwards story!.!.!. but I really don't think she should punish us loyal fanss!.!.!.

Out of respect I am not going to read the unedited copy!.!.!. at least until I know for sure that she isn't going to be publishing Midnight Sun!.!.!. I hope she does and I will always be a fan!! Go Steph!.!.!. We love you and we want to read Midnight Sun as you intended it!!

Maddy!. Xo!.

I think it was very wrong what these people have done, however I think Stephenie Meyer is over reacting!. I mean sure, she has her rights as an author, and it shouldn't have been posted, but she's punishing everyone for a few people's mistakes!. I know I heard about the illeagal posting of Midnight Sun, but out of respect, I didn't read it!. also, its not like its a new story!. If it was Breaking Dawn, then maybe her reaction would be a bit more understandable!. Basically, it was wrong, but she's over reacting!. I am not going to read this unfinished draft edition, I am going to wait for it to come out published, just as she intended it to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read the manuscript, but because it was not meant to come out, I feel that those people did a pretty ugly thing!. I mean, there were copies of BD online, but those were about a book already out (Not that makes it much better) and I can understand how she feels!. I really want to read Midnight Sun but on the other hand, writing when you are depressed is like a downward spiral!. You have to share your feelings somewhere when you have a perfect chance, and the book would end up hate-able so I wouldn't ever read MS if it comes out right now knowing how Stephenie feels!. On the other hand, though, the hate mail about those people and "Support Stephenie" logo may be well intentioned, but I think that they won't really make her feel any better than she does right now!. She needs to spend some "quiet time" away from her public fans for a while right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephanie Meyer said she was going to stop writing Midnight Sun indefinately!. I think this means that she just needs to relax because right now she is pissed off!. I think indefinately means she is not definate about it so I guess she will eventually write it!. I am so mad that people can't wait until it is released to read the damn book cuz now we have to suffer even longer!.

I would have bought the book and probably read it in like a day as i did with the other books in the series!.

On twilighters!.org you can find apparel that says mourning for midnight sun!. i am gonna buy something just not sure what you should check it out here:


I am very upset about the leak!.
but I have decided to read the first 12 chapters!.

also, Stephenie states on her website that she it taking a break from righting because she wants to write with a clam mind and she doesn't want to be thinking about this while she is writing!.

So that means the release date is set back from summer 2009 to winter 2009, and depending on the amount of time, the date could be pushed back all the way to fall 2010!. But I don't believe that they would wait that long!.

Stephenie cares to much about these characters and her fans to let a few bad apples ruin everyone else's fun!.

If any of this isn't correct I'm sorry!.


Yeah a friend of a friend of mine has a copy of that manuscript!.

It's quite disappointing actually for someone as idiotic to steal an unfinished manuscript, its sort of like opening your present before christmas eve, ruins the whole excitement of it!.

But now i bet the people who stole it feel guilty because now Stephanie Meyer doesn't want to finish it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

She said 'Indefinite'!. She MAY finish it and publish it, but not soon!. I do, however, think that the person who betrayed her and illegally leaked her book should go to hell!. Anyone who makes Stephenie upset enough that she has no will to write anymore needs to fall in a hole!. I've put up many tags on myspace to support Steph in her/our darkest moment!. Go to HisGoldenEyes!.com and there you will find a petition and many support Stephenie logos, etc!. Help Stephenie so that we will be able to experience Midnight Sun one day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Anne!.!.!. It is a nasty thing to happen to an author, especially because apparently a trusted person did it!. But I hope her mood doesn't stop her from wanting to ever continue writing the book!. Because that would not be fair to those who wanted to support her and refused to read the leaked version!. Let's face it!. Even if part of it was leaked, it's going to be a huge bestseller if/when it gets published!. Maybe this leak will even help that!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

In all honesty, it breaks my heart!. So much disrespect!. I will not be reading even the one posted on her website, unless I know for sure!.

But I honestly and truly hope, for those of us who are loyal, that one day she will finish it and publish it!. My books look lonely without Midnight Sun, I had a space ready for it and everything!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i think she will right it but not for a while because she has to have time to calm down cause you can tell she is upset at the momentWww@QuestionHome@Com

OMG!!! i thought since it was on her website it was okay! i had no idea! i feel so DIRTY!!! *hitting self*Www@QuestionHome@Com