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Question: What are some hero stereotypes!?
What would you describe a stereotypical hero as!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would say that a hero is usually defined by a combination of qualities including moral integrity, mental acuity, a spirit of self-sacrifice, and determination!. Importantly, a hero's abilities must be employed for a good cause, usually the protection of the weak!. Now, depending on the context, different traits are deemed important!. For instance, in a military setting, physical strength, valor, ambition, and devotion to an ideal (usually political) are vital, while in another setting, e!.g!. a political figure fighting for change in unfavorable circumstances that endanger his/her personal safety, other qualities are more significant such as persistence, unwavering faith in a cause, and integrity!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would describe a stereotypical cliche hero as the arrogant hero who always is virtually indestructible!. He might suffer a wound or two, but he is unkillable!. He's always dashing around saving the damsels in distress, never accepting help from anyone, always saving helpless maidens!. He never gets captured or outwitted!. That kind of guy annoys me greatly!.

Stereotypical hero, or superhero!? :p Two words: Gary Sue!. At lot of authors tend to make the mistake of their hero being smart, funny, inteligent, selfless, modest etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Strong, long hair, muscly, handsome


Brave, kinda big headed, quite serious


Well heros are usually like "I dont want to do this, but i'm going to do it anyway to save (Insert Country,family,friend) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chuck NorrisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wearing spandex and a cape :PWww@QuestionHome@Com