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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Twilight Fans!!!! I really like the Books and I love edward But are you going to

Question: Twilight Fans!!!! I really like the Books and I love edward But are you going to see the movie!?!?
I mean I really want to see the Movie cause it involves Edward (even if he looks nothing like edward and I hate the girl playing Bella) and I mean I know the Movies going to be a toatal Rip off cause the previews look nothing like the real movie I mean I want to see it So bad But I dont cause Im afraid Ill flip out in the middle of the thearter cause they dont have it right
What you all think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah i know what you mean!. i love the books but im afraid that the
movie will just get me mad!. and henery cavill would be the perfect edward but he's to old and emily browning would have been the best bella!. i'll go see the movie just because it might be a little like the book!. i hope its goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

I WILL & MUST watch the movie ! I think Robert Pattison , who is playing , Edward , in the movie , is quite "Edward" in the movie , you know what I mean !. Kristen Stewart is also good , playing the role , Bella !. Well , the movie is defintely going to be different from the book !. You can't possibly add EVERY scene in the book to the movie , right !? I heard from people saying this movie won't be good as the book don't have much action!. Anyway , I can't wait for this movie , and I think it would be a great movie !


First of all, the actors are fine!. I love the girl playing Bella and I agree with you on Edward, but it's okay!. I think the previews are pretty good!. I think you should still see the movie, just don't be all "oh em gee it's not perfect! IT'S NOT PERFECT! It has to be JUST LIKE THE BOOK", because it doesn't have to be just like th ebook!. it's the movie, not the book so it must be different!. They can't follow the whole book word by word!. So just see it and let it be!. If you don't like it, then you don't like it!. Just don't be unfair towards it because the actors, directors, etc!. work very very hard!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love twilight so much too and i hate that sometimes movies don'tt turn up to be like the book but i guessthat's's a price we have to pay to see it in real life!.i seen a lot of previews and clips from the movie and some scenes are kinda the same as the book
i am going to see the movie because since Stephenie Meyer is also working with the movie director about her views of the movie twilight

i can guess she wont disappoint!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It looks fantastic, I'm kinda pissed about how they fly and don't actually run (they should have gotten the people who did the comcast commercials to help HAHAHHA)

All my friends and I are going to see it and I swear halfway through the movie one of us is going to stand up and scream I LOVE YOU EDWARD! Either that, or someone will be disgusted (highly doubt it) and stand up and scream!.

I wouldn't, but can you imagine how FREAKIN hilarious that would be!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course i am going to see the movie!. a twilight fan will see the movie and u can't determine if a movie is good or not just by the actors and the previews!. u have to see the whole movie and analyze it!. edward is the hottest person in the world, the character and robert pattinson :))) i also hate the girl who is playing bella!. she is not a good actor and not pretty :P remember what i said, u can rate a movie cuz u havent seen it yet so just see the movie and at the end, u can see if u were right or wrong with ur original first opinion!. first i was like wth is this this looks gay but then when i keep on seeing clips and edward :) then i was like oh this is going to be good we'll have to see!. so just wait!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really want ot see it!. sure the movie will suck compared to the book, but hey who cares right!? if you don't like it, just act like the movie never happened!. i on the other hand think the people playing Bella nad Edward are perfect!. if Alexis Bledel was a little younger i would've loved to watch her be Bella, but Kristen Stewart will be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ha ha, I want to see the movie too, I agree, the edward in the movie looks way to good to play edward!.!.!. bella looks okay i guess!.!.!. I don't think you'll be the only one wiggling in your seat if you go and see it, a lot of twi-hard fans (or w/e they call themselves) are going to see it, i'd imagine, so you wouldn't be alone!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Naw I'm not going to see the movie, just like other books that were made into movies: Eragon, Harry Potter, and Chronicles of Narnia!. I find that if I try to go back and read the book again all I see is the characters in the movie!. It would just ruin the book and all the faces/voices I imagined!. Hope this helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the cast except for Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella!. Her acting is bad!. No emotion, just monotones!. Her voice is also rather deep!.

I'm going to see the movie, that being a Twilighter!. I have faith it will be a good movie; nowhere near as good as the book, but at least it's watch-worthy!.


You should watch it!. Maybe you'll like it, you never know!. I really want to see it 'cause you get to see what they made out of the book!. I think it looks rather interesting!. If you're afraid you'll flip ou in the theater, you can either watch it online or but the VCD/DVD and watch it at home!.

If you want to watch it online, here's the best site: watch-movies!.netWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think the movie is going to be as goood as the book!! i dunt know how the edward is goin to be in the movie bc i dont think hes all tht!.
idk!.!.i guess we will jst have to wait til december to find out how it is goin to be!! bc i will watch the movie!.!.bc not only do i like the book!.!.i luv the characters!.aka!.EDWARD CULLLLENNNN!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going to see even though the movie will most likely make me mad, but it'll make me love the book even more!. But you never know it might actually turn out to be very good, Stephenie meyer said that is was good at one of the concert things or interview!. Go see it anywayWww@QuestionHome@Com

i havent read the book
but my cousin said shes makin me go see the movie with her
but i dont really mind she told me about the book and it sounds pretty good
i love romance
answer mine please

i am definitely not watching the movie! i love those books to death, but iknow that my mental pictures of all the characters and scenes will be drastically changed! if you want to see it, though, go ahead!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going to see it just so me and my friends can sit and laugh at how badly portrayed the movie is!. But if you do flip out go to the bathroom and scream!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk i wana see it no matter what!. and if i don't like the movie at all!.!.ill just reread the book after so that itll be like i never saw the movie :) you never know, it could be really good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll see it!. But like all movie from books, it will not be as good, but fun to go see any ways!. My Edward looks different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was'nt sure at first but i think il go see it!.!.!. i know that it wont be like the book but im just going to go and not expect any thing and who knows maby il be impressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not gonna see it
its gonna change my imagined way of the story

i want it all to be in my head:]
like harry potter hahaaWww@QuestionHome@Com

youre right!. ill put off watching it to avoid messing up the images i have of the characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i want to see it, just to see how stephenie meyers pictured the bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it looks good!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, they could have gotten a better Edward!. I don;t want to see it, but I know I will anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i actually think it looks great
except bellas man voice!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im gonna watch it cuz the guy who plays jacob is sexyWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i agree, but i just wanna see it anyway coz im curiousWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah of course i am!Www@QuestionHome@Com