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Question: Should I keep reading!?
I am out of college for a while!. I am wondering should I keep reading to pass the time!? I am a book worm!. I am actually reading currently, Minutemen!. My aunt is the director of the minutemen!. And I wanted to know what the minutemen were about!. So i am reading that book!.

The weather is getting colder!. Should I keep reading!? I get books all the time from the library!. And I buy books!.

Is reading a good hobby!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Reading is an absolutely excellent hobby!. It expands your mind, forces you to visualize things vividly instead of being fed the story and images, and allows you to acquire knowledge in tremendous detail!. Even if you're reading something really light, I still feel like it's keeping your brain in top shape!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course it is! People who read tend to be more imaginative and have higher vocabularies!. They're also better at writing and using proper grammar!. You may be out of college, but that can only improve your job skills and aid you in a thousand other areas!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like reading, but it really is a great hobby!. If you like to read, then read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com