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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What would you rate Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series on a scale of 1-5? ?

Question: What would you rate Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series on a scale of 1-5!? !?
Twilight (Book One)

New Moon (Book Two)

Eclipse (Book 3)

Breaking Dawn (Book 4)

Midnight Sun (Book 5)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Twilight: 5
New Moon: 3
Eclipse: 4!.5
Breaking Dawn: Haven't read it yet
Midnight Sun: Haven't read the illegal 12 chapters and not sure if I'm gonna!. I want her to come out with the whole book!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1: 5 (Amazing story about finding love w/ great fantasy aspects!.
2: 5 (It was pretty sad that she lost Edward, but she really did a good potral of losing love)
3: 2 (Completely forced plot, main conflict was Bella turning into vamp, but got resolved in book 2)
4: 2!.5 (The motherly love stuff was nice and refreshing, but Jacob imprinting on Bella's kid was creepy!.
5: 6 (It's awesome to see things analyzed so much more and get into Edward's mind!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okayy!. I may be the only one staying on ur scale!.!.!.!.!.

1!. 4!.7-5!.0 (Ah-mazing! I love how (sorta) original this is!)
2!. 3!.5-4!.0 (I hate that ppl are like 0 becuz Edward wasn't in it, grow up, the entire story isn't based entirely on Edward!.)
3!. 3!.0-3!.5 (seemed way too forced)
4!. 2!.5-3!.0 (egh, I'm over this series, now i see that all it is is cliches, dont believe me, check this out, hhttp://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!. (click the link)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight: 3
New Moon: 4
Eclipse: 3!.5
Breaking Dawn: 1!.5
Midnight Sun: 3Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight: 4!.5
new moon: 3
eclipse: 5
breaking dawn: -10
midnight sun ( the first 12 chap!.): 4!.5Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me Twilight is a trilogy, Breaking Dawn was a piece of ****!.!.!.
Midnight Sun!.!.!.we may never know!.

Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse 5
Breaking Dawn 1 (only because of the Quil and Claire scene)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twlight: 4
New Moon: 3
Eclipse: 4
Breaking Dawn: -12
And Midnight Sun hasn't come out yet!.!.!.!.I doubt I'll read it though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eh, probably a two or three!. They're not terrible!. Not great, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. 5
2!. 4
3!. 4!.5
4!. 4
5!. 5Www@QuestionHome@Com

book 1: 5
book 2: 4 1/2
book 3: 5
book 4: 4 1/2


zomg [x all five's!.
except new moon -________-, no edward!.


-5!. but if im not allowed to go off the scale, 1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

new moon-4

so i would say the whole series about 4-5Www@QuestionHome@Com



twilight: 6

new moon: 5

i havent read any of the others yet!.!.!.but midnight sun hasnt even come out lol :) Www@QuestionHome@Com
