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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Did you hear there isn't going to be a Midnight Sun??

Question: Did you hear there isn't going to be a Midnight Sun!?!?
Stephenie Meyer said a draft leaked onto the internet and now she doesn't want to continue writing it!. I think she made it up because she didn't want to write it anymore!. What is your opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think she's throwing a fit so people will sympathize with her, not see that the entire thing was clearly her fault, then when she announces that she'll continue it, everyone will forget about the epic failure that was Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG! I heard just now! I can't believe it! I was looking forward to it soooooo much! I think she's very dissapointed, you know, because of the draft leaking out, and that's why she doesn't wanna right it anymore!. I think she's dissapointed in who she gave it to!. All I'm saying is that I'm dissapointed in those people who downloaded and read the leak too, because of them, Stephenie's not gonna finish Midnight Sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she will ultimately continue!. Give her a month to recuperate from the shock of Midnight Sun's Internet excursion, and she'll pick it up again!.
If you want to read the partial draft, it's on her website!. I think it's 262 pages long!. I read it last night; I preferred it to Bella's books, even though there were a lot of typos!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and i am HAPPY!

Its stephenie Meyers own fault she gave someone the manuscript and then had a fit that they leaked it out come on!.

Jk Rowling wouldnt even let her own family know what would happen in the Harry Potter books until they were sold!.

Its really pathetic to be having a fit about that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she loves writing but feel hurt by what happened and can you blame her, someone broke her trust and ruined her releasing the book but i hope she finishes

Save Midnight Sun


I have no pity for the woman!. She took a very large risk by giving various people different manuscripts, and now she's going to have to have to learn from her mistake!. Wallowing in self-pity won't please her fans, nor impress anyone!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, at least it wasn't like she isn't writing Breaking Dawn!.

I mean, Midnight Sun isn't that big of a loss because it is just Twilight over again!.

But it still stinks! Lol =]

thats stupid that she wont write it anymore

she just ruined a bunch of my friend's hopes of reading it
by taking her writing away she just lost a fanWww@QuestionHome@Com