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Question: Ok, so whta should i write my story about!?!?!?!?
plzzzzzzzz help
ok so the problem is i want to write a story a fiction story about something, and i want something like magic like harry potter magic, but im afraid no one would like it becuase they would think its just a copy of harry potter!?
so please help
me think of a new title, or maybe if you think i should write about magic like harry potter's
so plllzzzzz

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with Holli!. If you ask people to write your story for you, it's not your story!. As for the copying issue, you need to come up with an original idea that's not borrowed from Harry Potter!. Despite my saying this, I'm also going to say that it can be difficult to create a plot line that's not cliched or used previously in our world!. For magic, maybe come up with a different form of magic than Harry Potter!. Use a different nature of magic, like natural magic without the aid of wands, or perhaps a society where magic is outlawed, or maybe a place where mages are few and far between!. I've written a fair amount of novels myself, a couple fantasies in there, never published, not all finished, but if you'd like, once you get a solid idea, I could offer constructive criticism in regards to your work!. My email is schnitzel204@yahoo!.com!. I hope I could help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I kinda like writing and I know the feeling when you think your writing isn't good enough or that you're worried other people will think that it's just a rip-off of a more popular story!. You could write a story about magic like Harry Potter but twist it around a bit into something of your own creation, or maybe you can just put in some good thought about what interests you and go from there!. If you really can't think of anything, maybe write some Harry Potter fan fiction!. Write to have fun, not please others!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, you shouldn't pick a title before you write the book, unless it's like the lord of the rings, were the book revolves around it!.!.!. but anyway, I don't think you'd be happy writing what other people are to lazy to write themselves, just start writing and then let your imagination take you to new heights :)

"Hi Jasmine! Hey Jasmine! Hey whats up Jasmine!?" Everyone at school says!. "Hi! I'm good how about you guys!?" Jasmine says!. "Im good!" They all say at same time!. As the bell ring for class!. "Well I'll talk to you later!." Jasmine says!. "Okay today class we are going to learn about how to fly a broom!. But it cant be any ordinary broom!. So, I will give you your own, registered in your name!."The teacher says!. "Wow my very own broom!" Everyone says "Uh, Mrs!.Gonzales,
this one says Jasmmine, not Jasmine" Jasmine says!. "Well then, I guess you'll have to deal with it then!." The teacher says!.

Then take it from there Im not saying any more!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

think of what you hate in the world!. that is your conflict!.
think of the person you wish you were!. that's your main character!.
think of what y ou wish the world was like, and that is your ending!.

that's the key to fictional writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you really should decide who your audience is going to be first!. Are you writing for children, teens, adults!? That may help you narrow your choices!. Then just free write whatever comes to mind!. That should give you great ideas for your plot!. Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok write your story about a boy and a girl go exploring in a cave and come across a bottle and a gine comes out and grants them a wish you could call it the enchanted bottleWww@QuestionHome@Com

How about a giant that thought it could rule the word, but in reality couldn't even look after himself, all he really wanted was everyone else's richesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Start randomly writing!. People can't help you write your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com