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Question: What are best young adult book!?!!?
um-mm!.!.!.ok!.!.WelI!.!.!.practically finished every single book in the house!.!.!.I read every single book by: Stephine King, Haddix, Stephanie Meyer, Esther Friesner, Lois Lowry, Sarah Dessen, Jerry Spinelli, Ellen Hopkins, Judy Blume, Meg Cabot, Scott Westerfeld, J!.K Rowling, Lisi Harrison, Gary Paulsen, James Patterson, Louise Rennison, Melissa Marr, H!. G!. Wells, Charles Dickens, John Steinbeck,C!.S Lewis, Jodi Picoult, Philip Pullman, Christopher Paolini, Cornelia Funke, Mark Twain, Haily Abbot, Cecily von Ziegesar!. I've read!.!.!.
The Break-up Bible, Secret Life of Ceecee Wilkes, any classic and biography you could even remotely imagine, the Blue blood series, Nancy Drew (classics, revised, and when she was younger), The Secret life of bees, All of the Goosebumps books, The Alice series, Lord of the Rings, Animal Farm, Outsiders, The Other Boleyn Girl, Masquerade, The Princess Bride, Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, Wicked, Spellbound, A-List series, The Artemis Fowl series, The Vampire Diaries, Morganville Vampires, The Book Thief, My Brothers Voice, Million Little Pieces the sisterhood of the traveling pants novels Anne Frank Diary of a Young Girl I've Read all the Ronald Dahl Books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, yeah, I have some good books to recommend that aren't on your list!. Here are my faves:
Catch 22- It is incredibly unique and different read!. I would describe it as being quite quirky and it is very interesting!. I am currently reading it right now, and there is no getting bored whilst reading it!. It is very entertaining and I'm finding great joy in reading it!.

Tamar by Mal Peet- It won the Carnegie Medal for a reason!. There's a whole lot of drama in it and the reader will get totally into it and you'll end up reacting a whole lot to it!. It will honestly get you all riled up!.

Touching Spirit Bear by Gary Paulsen -Touching Spirit Bear is basically about this guy who commits a totally brutal and terrible crime so he gets banished to a deserted Alaskan Island where something momentous and horrible happens to him!. In the end he has to confront his past, who he is, and what he has become and it is just a great story about his complete metamorphosis of his changing and healing!. This was a simply amazing, moving, and beautiful book!. You will totally view life in a new manner!. There's this point where he is kind of near death and he reflects on life and what he has done and it really puts things into perspective and it makes you think of your own life!.

Lucas by Kevin Brooks!. -This was also a searingly lovely and honest book!. Through all of the crazy and heart-breaking things that happens, the main character is always honest and it is such an addicting book!. Once the plot gets going you just can't put it down, and you really start feeling for the characters and their predicament!. I was still thinking about it DAYS after I finished reading it!.

How I Live Now-I forgot who the author is, but I HIGHLY recommend this book!. It's basically about a girl who ends up being on vacation at a sort of farm with her cousins when a massive world war breaks out!. It is really tragically beautiful!. It reminded me of The Notebook, only less cheesy and truer and sadder!. I was like close to tears in the end and was totally in shock and the simple loveliness that the book had, I LOVED IT!.

Life As We Knew It-I also forgot the author of this one, but it is basically about this one girl who what ends up happening is that the moon ends up getting hit by a comet, so because of that, the entire earth is sent into a sort of deadly armageddon!. So its like total disaster, and their predicament is horribly desperate and its basically like diary entries of hers, describing her coping and experiencing and dealing with her life as her entire world and everyone she knows is dying!.

Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn- So usually we read books about abusive relationships!. And its always told about the girls side, and how she suffers and how in the end she triumphs and leaves the guy and begins healing!. Thats how all books on that subject go!. But this book really does "break new ground" because it is told in the eyes of the guy in the relationship, the "tormentor!." I was quite surpised at several times reading it, I learned a lot of things about how the situation could really be!. And its not like the book excused or justified his behavior, rather it was his journey of realizing the root of his problem, seeing his own faults, and realizing the pain that he has brought to her!. Trust me, you can definitely learn some stuff from reading it!.

I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak!. -Wow, this book was AWESOME! Basically this one dude who is like your average joe does something heroic by accident sort of so he starts getting cards in the mail!. Stuff like the ace of spades, etc!. So in each of the cards it tells him adresses and stuff like that eventually leading him to a person that he has to help in some way!. It is a very original, touching, and creative read!.)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Cage by Ruth Minsky Sender-At first I was thinking that it was the same old, same old, Holocaust survivor story and the first few chapters I was like, eh, not original!. But eventually it became SO INCREDIBLY GOOD!. I could not put it down, I finished it in like an hour or two!. I was shocked and completely absorbed into it all!. And there were a couple of parts where I was fighting back tears!. Trust me, it wasn't the same old, same old!.

Rumble Fish, That Was Then This Is Now (MY FAVE S!.E!. HINTON BOOK) S!.E!. Hinton-Bot of these were incredible, moving books that were separate yet similar to each other in their own ways!. Well, I know that you've read the Outsiders, but I'm not sure if you've read these two!. But if you're a Ponyboy fan and want to see what a bit of what happens to him in the future, you should read That Was Then, This Is Now, he makes a brief appearance and is mentioned several times in the book!.

If I Should Die Before I Wake by Han Nolan and Life of Pi by Yann Martel-Same critique for both of them!. Despite being brutal, they were unbelievable books!.You get to be in awe of what happens in both of them, it is hard to believe that a mere human being can survive such horrors with flesh and mind and spirit somehow still intact!.

A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly-This is more of a girl book!. Every girl that finishes reading this is going to come out with new passion and confidence!. It really makes you think, and I think that it is especially good for females!. It is incredibly inspiring in a very simple and un-complex way, in my opinion!. You know when there are little things that move you so much!? The whole book is filled with them!.

The Tomorrow Series is also pretty gripping and brutal!. So anyways the series is pretty heavy, thats John Marsdens's style!.

Can't Get There From Here and Give A Boy A Gun by Todd Strasser!. -From homeless kids to a school shooting, these books resonate well with each other and they are incredibly good and mesmerizing books!. You will really feel it all, react, and get wrapped into the worlds!. Its so much like real honest life, these two books are also must reads!.

The Me Nobody Knew by Shannon McLinden!. - Every girl will relate heart and soul to this story and will be touched and moved completely!. You will really, really view everything and everyone, especially yourself, differently!. You will feel better about yourself and will be simply stunned and flabber-gasted by this true life story!. I cannot think of a girl who won't relate to it and feel it somehow!.

What Happened to Nancy-So we've all heard of and read Go Ask Alice, and this one was edited by that same lady and it is also a true life story!. It is basically the diary of this one girl named "Nancy!." So what happens is Nancy meets this one older guy who she ends up caring a lot for!. So he ends up raping her and then later on she discovers that she has AIDS!. The book is like I said, her diary entries of everything that occurs to her, from meeting him to the rape to her dealing with her illness, and it really reveals how she feel and how she gets through everything until her death!. It was very sad, but very honest and good, and it was a true life story!.

The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler- It is quite creative and amusing in many parts!. Its the kind of book that teenage girls will love, however it does not get cheesy nor does it lie and create false fantasies that will never happen!. I mean, c'mon, did you notice that in all chick books the girl is pretty and she always ends up happily ever after with some hunk!? And sometimes the hunk tends to make a too-good-to-be-true transformation to satisfy the pathetic needs of girl teendom!. Anyways, this is REAL but it is very satisfying, nonetheless!.

Tenderness by Robert Cormier -its basically told in the eyes of a serial killer/rapist who is overwhelmed with the feeling of tenderness whenever he kills a young girl!. It is his addiction, his drug, gives him his euphoria!. Its really good the twists and events in it will really have you questioning some things in life that are oftentimes really debated and shaded in gray!.

Night by Elie Wiesel-Judging from all of the books that you've read, you've probably read this one, but even so I highly recommend it!. Its basically like a heart-wrenching classic!. The brutality of this book is a bit saddening at times, but its great nonetheless!. There are several parts that I was absolutely shocked to learn about and that really broke my heart!. I don't really think that there is any other book like it!.

Flowers for Algernon -This is a really good book as well!. It can get really deep and it is a great adult read!. I highly recommend it!.

Dairy Queen and the Off season by Caroline Meckler -This is more of a teen book but I still liked it a whole lot!. I am usually very critical of characters, especially girl characters, but I absolutely adored D!.J!. the main character of both of these books, one is the sequel!. You should definitely read it, it has some fabulous points and lessons in it that rang incredibly true!. However, if you don’t want to read both of them I highly recommend The Off season!. It was my favorite of the two!.

Incantation by Alice Hoffman -Another author who uses beautiful language!. The setting of the story takes place in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, a time period where Jews were persecuted and murdered for practicing their faith!. I think that one of the greatest morals you'll learn from this book is how unbreakable and binding love is, and at the same time one of the main lessons the reader learns is to always embrace their identity no matter what people think of it!.

Surrender-I don't remember the author of this book either, but it was an extremely different, sad, tortured, and eerily beautiful read!. Like the language in it was beautiful, in an odd way!. I don't know, I have always puzzled over the book and I have spent a lot of time thinking about it and trying to understand it all!. Usually I cWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well I noticed Frank Herbert wasn't mentioned in that lists!. His books are to science fiction what The Lord Of The Rings is to Fantasy!. I also didn't know if Stephine King was the same person as Stephen King, but if you haven't looked at his Dark Tower Saga, I 'd suggest that!. It gives some very interesting perspectives of our world and philosophies!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well at first I was going to say that I was stumped!. But then I remembered Immortal by Traci L!. Slatton!. It's not popular yet, because it's new, but it's a great book!. also, A Million Little Pieces has a sequel!. And Brisinger (Paolini) comes out in less than a month!.
There are others that you may like that I've not read, and I'm sure that others will suggest those!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Libba Bray has a good series out there (in my opinion)!.
The first book is called A Great and Terrible Beauty
Memoirs of a Geisha is good too!.
The Inferno, by Dante!.
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas!.

Hope I helped!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before I Die by Jenny Downham is great

John Saul write horror stories that involve teens mostly
Suffer the Children
Comes the Blind Fury
And many more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the alchemist by paulo coelho, to kill a mockingbird by harper lee and the harry potter series by j!.k!. rowling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Castaways of the Flying Dutchman!. By Brian Jacques!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Kite Runner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com