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Question: Books that broke free of their genre!?
I need a list of well-known books that broke the conventions of their genre!. It doesn't matter which genre but I'm thinking of classic books that had good longevity!. They don't have to be books either!. Any literature really!.
Please and Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Anything by H!.P!. Lovecraft!. Lovecraft defied all notions of what short horror fiction was at the time (i!.e!. gothic poetry in the style of Poe and such other writers), and, really, invented pulp fiction!. Lovecraft "scholars" now define his work as pertaining to the genre "cosmic horror," which combines sci-fi, prose fiction, Tolkein-esque fantasy, and nihilistic philosophy!. A breakout writer if there ever was one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm ton sure what you mean by 'broke free of their genre!.' I would think that Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr!. Jekyl and Mr!. Hyde expanded the idea of the horror novel to address ideas of culture, responsibility and both the potential and fear of science!. Www@QuestionHome@Com